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idrogeno piccola molecular-header

H2000, Molecular Hydrogen

Hydrogen is the smallest element in nature capable of reaching the farthest corners of our body, with a powerful antioxidant effect. It can selectively neutralize free radicals, transforming them into water, which can then be easily expelled through metabolic pathways. The focus on hydrogen for human well-being has led to the publication of over 500 scientific articles in the last 15 years.

  • Eliminates “Brain Fog,” mental fatigue, increasing concentration and focus.
  • Combats oxidative stress and strengthens the immune system.
  • Reduces muscle and joint pain, alleviating chronic fatigue.

The device delivers 1,400cc per minute of hydrogen and 700cc of oxygen, both with a purity of 99.99%. Hydrogen is generated naturally through the breakdown of distilled and demineralized water molecules. Equipped with wheels, it is easy to move for dynamic use. A standard power outlet is sufficient for operation.

Weight: 28KG

Dimensions: 62x52x23cm

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